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Saturday, September 6th, 2003

Govardhan, Uttar Pradesh, India

Guru Prasad

Merciful nourishment

After traveling through three continents and four countries in the past three months and eating the prasadam of the different varieties of foods offered within those countries and cultures — South Africa, England, Turkey and Russia — it is good to get back to the simple fare that Srila Gurudeva is eating here at the Srila Sridhar Swami Sevashram in Dasbisa, Govardhan: rice, dahl, subji, chapatis, and sweet rice.

Others may be eating so many wonderful things, but we are not interested in that: we are interested only in guru-prasad — the remnants of Srila Gurudeva. If Gurudeva is taking alu-baja and chapatis, then that is all we want. We have not come to eat nice things; we have come for Srila Gurudeva's mercy.

What Srila Gurudeva is giving is fully satisfying and relishable, and we are constantly nourished by that.

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