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Tuesday, September 30th, 2003

Kolkata, West Bengal, India

Gurudeva Returns

With a healthy appetite

Srila Gurudeva returned to the Sree Chaitanya Saraswata Krishnanushilana Sangha in Dum Dum Park this morning, looking refreshed after six days of complete rest at the modern medical center where he had checked himself in to recuperate after his strenuous, six-week, 20th World Tour of England, Italy, and Russia.

We are all thrilled to have Srila Gurudeva back, of course, but his doctors say he still needs to have plenty of rest and have advised him to take it easy for the next two weeks, so his daily darshan is being limited to a couple of hours a day for the time being.

One good sign is that Srila Gurudeva now has a healthy appetite. In addition to his regular meals, Sanatani Devi Dasi and Malati Priya Devi Dasi make Srila Gurudeva a healthy soup and salad for lunch, and a tofu soup in the early evening.

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