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Cascading Style Sheets produce smaller file sizes, which means a shorter wait time for the page to download.

Wednesday, October 1st, 2003

Kolkata, West Bengal, India

New Look

Time for a change

After I took sannyas in March and decided to keep a daily weblog of my travels and adventures in Krishna consciousness, I had to put these web pages together in a hurry. I have been meaning to change the layout ever since...

I have been trying out different layouts, styles, formats and graphics over the last few weeks and have decided to go with this Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) format. Cascading Style Sheets allow web designers to use sophisticated page layout and styling features, and produce smaller file sizes than regular HTML with tables (which means a shorter wait time for the page to download).

The one caveat? Some older browsers (pre Internet Explorer 5 and Netscape 5) do not support CSS layout, or do not support it very well, and even current browsers get some things wrong, or have different opinions about what is right.

Looking at my web access logs, I see that most visitors to this iMonk web site are using newer versions of the major web browsers (Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera) so I don't anticipate too many problems with the changeover, but let me know what you think, or if you have any problems loading these pages...

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Layout by imonk — October 1st, 2003.