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Now there's something I never thought I would say: that it is warm when the mercury is below zero!

Thursday, November 20th, 2003

Saint Petersburg, Russia


Weekly program

Today is Utpanna Ekadasi. The thermometer on Vijay Raman Prabhu's kitchen window shows -1°C this morning, but it seems a lot warmer than that, and the snow, which has turned to ice overnight, begins to melt again.

Now there's something I never thought I would say: that it is warm when the mercury is below zero! I had never even seen snow before this year; I must be getting acclimatized.

In the afternoon, a truckload of wood arrives: fuel for the wood-burning stove in the kitchen. Makhanchora Prabhu splits the larger pieces of wood with a chisel chops smaller pieces up with an axe.

In the evening, Ashutosha Prabhu, Makhanchora Prabhu and I go to the apartment of Divya Sundar and Navagopi Devi Dasi for the weekly Thursday night nama-hatta program. Amrita Krishna Prabhu, Lila Rupa Devi Dasi and Indu Bala Devi Dasi also attend.

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Layout by imonk — November 20th, 2003.