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Avadhut Maharaj has invited me to come to Russia and the Ukraine again.

Friday, February 27th, 2004

Kolkata, India

Sishya Proposes

Gurudeva disposes

Sripad Avadhut Maharaj, who took some of the Russian devotees to Jagannath Puri in Orissa yesterday, returns to Kolkata alone today. The other devotees will return to Kolkata in a few days, after visiting some of the places of pilgrimage there.

Avadhut Maharaj is always on the go! I don't know anybody who can keep up with him... well, okay, I'll concede that perhaps Acharya Maharaj can. Hey! Wouldn't it be cool to pit these two swamis against each on similar projects to see who would finish first? I bet — oh yeah! No gambling!

Avadhut Maharaj has invited me to come to Russia and the Ukraine again — and maybe even Siberia, Georgia, and Kazakhstan — perhaps as early as the end of April. There many big programs and festivals planned in these countries throughout the summer, and there is an opportunity to participate in some of these. My one-year, multiple-entry visa for Russia expires in the middle of April, so I will need another one soon...

In the afternoon, Avadhut Maharaj, Goswami Maharaj and I present some of these proposals to Srila Gurudeva — again, so that His Divine Grace is aware of our movements, and of some of the many opportunities and possibilities available for his senior disciples.

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Layout by imonk — February 27th, 2004.