Soquel, California — Tuesday, July 14th

Tired realization

I used to be able to take a japa walk all the way to the top of the hill without breaking a sweat. Now I have to stop to catch my breath two thirds of the way up...

I'd like to blame it on "getting old," but really, I'm just out of condition (I haven't had much exercise these last couple of years).

It's not much fun climbing the hill when you're not in shape. But you know what the cure for that is — for getting physically fit so that you can enjoy hill-climbing again? To climb the hill some more!

Hmm. It's kinda like chanting the Holy Name, isn't it? We're told (in the Upadeshamrita by Srila Rupa Goswami) that when we don't have a taste for chanting, the only cure is to chant some more.

Maybe I should start paying a little more attention to those old guys in those old books...

Tags: Chanting

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