iMonk Archive
January 2011

A brief description of blogs for this month. See the Main Archive for links to all blogs, click on any of the Annual Archives (in the menu on the right) for blogs for that year, or go to the Tags Archive for blogs arranged by category and subject.

Week 1
USA : California

Guru: personality vs. conception
Correspondence addressing readers' questions and concerns about the "Who is guru?" blog written in December 2006.

Week 2
USA : California

Guru: form vs. substance
More correspondence answering readers' questions related to the "Who is guru?" blog published in December 2006.

"Here is Mr. Ghosh!"
Srila Guru Maharaj's broad conception of guru: we must be able to detect our guru's advice when we find it in another.

Week 3
India : Calcutta

Guru: persona vs. person
Even more correspondence related to the "Who is guru?" blog published on Srila Gurudeva's Vyasa Puja in December 2006.

Week 4+
India : Navadwip

Dive deep into reality
What does it mean, and what is it like, to "dive deep into reality"? Srila Guru Maharaj and Bhagavad Gita give us a clue.

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Layout by iMonk — January 28th, 2011.