iMonk Archive
August 2004

A brief description of blogs for this month. See the Main Archive for links to all blogs, click on any of the Annual Archives (in the menu on the right) for blogs for that year, or go to the Tags Archive for blogs arranged by category and subject.

Week 1
India: West Bengal: Calcutta

Poor devotees
Srila Gurudeva visits the home of devotees who are so poor they can only offer him some toast... and then they run out of bread!

Week 2
India: West Bengal: Calcutta

Amazing grace
Who was that "thin lady, with a thin baby, eating a thin biscuit," who attracted the compassionate glance of Srila Gurudeva?

Week 3
India: West Bengal: Calcutta

Forgotten promises
How have we become such "slaves to circumstances," forgetting the solemn promise that we made to ourselves and to our guru?

Week 4+
India: West Bengal: Calcutta

Early memories
iMonk remembers his long relationship with Yudhamanyu.

Seva Vikram in China
Srila Gurudeva: Yudhamanyu's success in China "is a miracle!"

Unprecedented service
There is no precedent for Yudhamanyu's preaching in China.

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Layout by iMonk — August 30th, 2004.