iMonk Archive
September 2004

A brief description of blogs for this month. See the Main Archive for links to all blogs, click on any of the Annual Archives (in the menu on the right) for blogs for that year, or go to the Tags Archive for blogs arranged by category and subject.

Week 1
India: West Bengal: Calcutta / USA: California: Soquel

Anticipating Srila Gurudeva's darshan after a brief intermission.

21st World Tour begins
Devotees go to the Calcutta airport to see Srila Gurudeva off.

Week 2
USA: California: Soquel

Srila Gurudeva arrives
After a long interval, Srila Gurudeva again visits California.

On the land
Srila Gurudeva surveys the Seva Ashram orchard and gardens.

Week 3
USA: California: Soquel

Letter from China
A letter from one of Yudhamanyu Prabhu's English students.

Week 4+
USA: California: Soquel

A fortnight of fresh air
Srila Gurudeva's health is much improved after two weeks in the fresh country air at the Seva Ashram in Soquel.

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Layout by iMonk — September 28th, 2004.