San Jose, California — Wednesday, February 7th

iMonk web site update

In a continuing effort to improve navigation and to make it easier to find a specific blog, the iMonk web site has been updated to refine many of the links, make minor, cosmetic changes to the layout, and reformat the archive pages.

You may have already noticed many of these improvements over the last few weeks. These are some of the more recent changes (based on reader feedback) to the archive pages:

The Main Archive has access to every month and every year — from March 2003 to the present — and lists the countries the iMonk has visited in those months and years.

The Yearly Archives now include the titles and links to every blog of that year, sorted by month and week, to help you quickly find a specific blog that you are looking for.

The Monthly Archives now include a brief quote, excerpt, or description of each blog, to help you further refine your search.

The Russian and Turkish Archives now mirror this layout to maintain the same "look and feel" for foreign readers.

These changes apply only to the weekly blogs (from April 2004). Titles of the daily blogs (March 2003–March 2004) are still only available in the monthly archives for those years.

All the blogs are now also arranged chronologically, for easier reading (except the home page, which always has the latest blogs first).

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Layout by iMonk — February 7th, 2007.