iMonk Archive
December 2008

A brief description of blogs for this month. See the Main Archive for links to all blogs, click on any of the Annual Archives (in the menu on the right) for blogs for that year, or go to the Tags Archive for blogs arranged by category and subject.

Week 1
India : West Bengal : Navadwip

When we are sent away from the shelter of Srila Gurudeva's holy lotus feet, we feel as though we have been banished.

Banished... to Navadwip!
We feel we are being punished when Srila Gurudeva sends us to the holy dham, because His Divine Grace will not be there.

Week 2
India : West Bengal : Navadwip

Being "banished" to Sri Navadwip dham might not be such a bad thing, after all...

Vyasa Puja questions
Probing questions when Srila Gurudeva is too ill to attend his own Vyasa Puja, but the biggest question is personal.

Week 3
India : West Bengal : Bamunpara; Ekachakra

Bamunpara & Nadanghat
Annual pilgrimage to the village where Srila Gurudeva was born and the town where he lived prior to coming to the Math.

Nityananda Prabhu's mercy
A pilgrimage to Lord Nityananda Prabhu's birthplace, Ekachakra, to pray for the mercy of the Lord of the Dham.

Week 4
India : West Bengal : Navadwip

Wasting time
Another day, another year. Time is short but, yet again, a rare and valuable gift is wasted on procrastination and idleness.

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Layout by iMonk — December 31st, 2008.