Goswami Maharaj's invitation

I met Sripad Bhakti Sudhir Goswami Maharaj in India when I attended Srila Sridhar Maharaj's Vyasa-Puja in October 1983 with Yudhamanyu Prabhu. Goswami Maharaj invited me to his temple in San Jose, and when Yudhamanyu Prabhu returned to California in April 1984, I asked whether the invitation was still good. This is Goswami Maharaj's reply:

May 2nd, 1984

"Come to San Jose"

Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Mandal,
62 South Thirteenth Street,
San Jose, California 95112.
May 2nd, 1984.

Dear Lalita Charan Prabhu,

Please accept my humble obeisances at your feet. All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga.

I was very happy to receive your letter dated April 10th, 1984, expressing your heartfelt appreciation for our small attempts to publish the words of Srila Guru Maharaj. We do want to fully absorb ourselves in the Divine transaction of Krishna-katha.

I would certainly feel honored if you would come here to San Jose and help me, a most incompetent, aspiring servant of Srila Guru Maharaj. I am unable to serve him properly but perhaps I could learn something from you.

Please do not worry about not being a collector. There are so many services related to the maintenance of the temple and the operation of the press that your service would be extremely valuable.

Just let us know when you will be able to come, and consult with Yudhamanyu Prabhu about the necessary arrangements.

Thank you also for your kind and generous donation; we will try to use it in the service of Nityananda and Mahaprabhu.

We are all eagerly awaiting your arrival,

Yours affectionately,

Bhakti Sudhir Goswami.

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