Johannesburg, South Africa — Sunday, September 30th

iMonk Mobile

Two weeks ago, Mukunda Prabhu showed me the iMonk website on his mobile phone. Looking at the bulky desktop version of the iMonk site on the tiny 128 x 128 pixel screen of his mobile made me realize: it was time to provide a mobile version of the iMonk!

I have been thinking of providing a mobile-friendly version of the iMonk site for some time, but the USA lags so far behind Europe, Asia, and Africa when it comes to using web-enabled handheld devices, that I have not been in too much of a hurry to do so.

Lately, however, I couldn't help noticing how many devotees in Russia, India — and yes, even South Africa! — use internet-enabled handheld devices like mobile/cell phones and PDA's (Personal Digital Assistants) to access the web. The mobile to PC ratio in these countries is very, very high. While most devotees in the USA have a laptop or PC (or both!), very few devotees in these developing countries have either. But they almost all do have mobile phones — and they know how to use them!

These devotees may not be so computer-literate, but they are definitely not intimidated by mobile phones, and have no trouble using them to log on to the internet to check their email and to browse the web. So beginning this week, even if you don't have a computer, you can use your mobile phone to see a mobile-friendly version of the iMonk blog at:

[Updated] This mobile site will host all recent blogs, a list of popular blogs, an archive of selected blogs from 2003 to the present, and a mini biography to give devotees and other interested persons a quick and easy reference to who and what the iMonk is all about. (Before a public lecture or interview, for example, guests or reporters can check to see: "Who is this guy? Who is his guru? What is his philosophy?")

Please see the new Mobile FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) for more information on how to log on and use iMonk Mobile.

Tags: Site update

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Layout by iMonk — September 30th, 2007.