iMonk Archive
January 2005

A brief description of blogs for this month. See the Main Archive for links to all blogs, click on any of the Annual Archives (in the menu on the right) for blogs for that year, or go to the Tags Archive for blogs arranged by category and subject.

Week 1
USA: California: Soquel

A New Year prayer
Feeling hopeless, understanding that his mind is his own worst enemy, the iMonk prays for the grace of Sri Guru and Vaishnava.

Service connection
Srila Gurudeva exhibits ill health, outwardly, to give us a further opportunity to serve him, to establish a connection with reality.

Week 2
USA: California: Soquel

The toast of China
Yudhamanyu Prabhu brings Srila Gurudeva an unusual gift from one of his Chinese students... What will Srila Gurudeva say?

Week 3
USA: California: San Jose

San Jose Ashram
Srila Gurudeva visits the recently purchased San Jose house on 17th Street that served as the Ladies Ashram for over a decade.

Week 4+
USA: California: Soquel

Madhusudan Maharaj
We were saddened by Madhusudan Maharaj's demise this week, but inspired by his sacrifice and dedication to the mission.

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Layout by iMonk — January 31st, 2005.