San Jose, California — Friday, January 21st

San Jose Ashram

Srila Gurudeva has to go to Los Gatos, near San Jose, to see two of his doctors: to consult Dr. Cherlin, his endocrinologist, about his diabetes, and to see Dr. Gutman for a post surgical check up.

After the visit to the doctors, we drive to the old 17th Street temple in San Jose where we will have lunch. After we lost the old 13th Street temple, we managed to rent this house on 17th Street, and it functioned as a temple and Ladies Ashram for over a decade.

When the owners wanted to sell the house, we had to vacate the property. Srila Gurudeva wanted us to try to purchase the house because of its historic value, even though Srimati Kum Kum Devi Dasi had bought a house on St. James Street for the new Ladies Ashram.

For a while it looked like we may not be able to do so, because it was priced so high, but thanks largely to the efforts of Braja Mohini Devi Dasi and Jayanta Prabhu, we were again able to acquire this historic site (on Radhastami last year).

Srila Gurudeva is very happy with Braja Mohini Devi Dasi and Jayanta Prabhu: "What we thought was impossible, you have done," he says, approvingly.

This is the first time since his tour to California that Srila Gurudeva has visited the property, so he walks happily all around the house, inspecting and commenting on the new paintwork and the big garden outside, and looking through all the rooms inside.

After a lunch, Srila Gurudeva rests for a while in his room, then we drive back over the mountain to the Seva Ashram in Soquel.

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Layout by iMonk — January 21st, 2005.