California, USA — January 20th, 2013

About this iMonk blog

You may have noticed that a few days after I posted the last iMonk blog, Srimad Bhagavad Gita, I made a few significant revisions (even changing the title to The Hidden Treasure) without informing my readers that the blog had been edited and updated — so perhaps an explanation is necessary.

I do this all the time!

I often revise my blogs because I often revise my thoughts. More often than not, though, the revisions are much more subtle.

I was working on the proof of one of my poems all the morning, and took out a comma. In the afternoon I put it back again.

Oscar Wilde

I love this quote because this is something I could easily do — spend all day working on a single comma — and not count the day as wasted because I would now be certain that the comma belonged exactly where it was. (I know; I'm weird :)

Now I don't make these changes arbitrarily or capriciously, but if I see something in an old blog that I link to, I have no compunction editing a sentence to express a thought more clearly, adding a paragraph to elucidate a concept, or, say, inserting a sloka to clarify a point.

This blog is not a breaking-news report, where all such updates and editing must necessarily be noted. It is a diary of my thoughts and realizations; a notebook on the evolution of my consciousness; the method, not the conclusion, of an ongoing experiment.

Although a diary is typically private (and those who know me will tell you that I am a very private person :)  I publish this blog so that I can be corrected by my godbrothers and godsisters if I deviate from, or begin to entertain any outlandish or sentimental notions about, the Krishna conception of Divinity that Srila Guru Maharaj and Srila Gurudeva have given us. (You will be surprised how easy this is to do!)

So despite my reclusive nature, my thoughts (at least as they pertain to Krishna consciousness) are an open blog. And they are both under constant review. This quote (often attributed to E.M. Forster)

How do I know what I think until I see what I say?

is the raison d'être for this iMonk blog. Until I begin to write — until I see what I say — I don't really know what I think. Writing compels me to be more introspective; to dive deeper into my own consciousness; to discover what I think, and why I think like that.

I am grateful to all the devotees who comment on this blog; who assist me in my moderate attempt to become more Krishna conscious; who force me to dive deeper into reality; who help me to refine my search for Sri Krishna — Reality the Beautiful.

Tags: Search for Reality


Layout by iMonk — January 20th, 2013.